Thursday, December 3, 2009

Living Life Well

A few little ponderings from my very passionate pep-talk to myself today:

  • Love who you are - don't make apologies for you
  • Hold people and experiences lightly - they'll stay if they're meant to, linger if they (or I) need time to work it out, or leave if they really ought not to be there (or when their time is done)
  • Live incredibly well - love the highs, enjoy the lows, knowing they're merely precursors to further highs
  • find the silver lining in discomfort - it's actually incredibly exciting being uncomfortable, because it means you're out of your comfort zone - and thus you're in the process of expanding said zone
I really am very excited about living life well right now. And I'm incredibly grateful to have rediscovered that joy.

Embrace the journey, it's a wild ride!